The pen is mightier than the sword

November 25th, 2012 § 2 comments




…and in more ways than one in this case!

Yesterday I did the first in a series of personal safety courses with the crew at Military Combatives, and discovered the wonderful world of tactical pens. Oh the possibilities! I cannot tell you how absolutely tickled pink I am that my tool of choice for both writing and drawing can now be my tool of choice for keeping myself safe. 🙂

I am somewhat disturbed that 24 hours after the course I am still hyper excited about it all, however the feeling of empowerment that comes with knowing that I could free myself from the grasp of a would-be attacker with nothing more than my hands or a pen is a heady feeling. Not that I *want* to do that…avoidance and preventative measures always come first…but now I don’t have to rely on anyone else to ‘save’ me. Awesome!

Oh…and that they’re made by companies like Smith and Wesson, Colt, Schrade and Uzi just make it all the more fun….yeah baby…I’ve got an Uzi in my pocket…. sorry…I think I might have been a mercenary in a former life………

*skips off to find someone to get all Chuck Norris on … ummm… I mean practise on*

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