August 1st, 2012 § § permalink
How gorgeous is this suede, custom made Moleskine cover?? It smells fabulous and it makes my heart sing. My inner artist is spoiled rotten!!

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July 29th, 2012 § § permalink
When I was trying to decide what to do for my Artist’s Date this week I scoured the interwebs for ideas and came across a list of 101 artist date ideas. When I read item 41 Take a self portrait every day I heard my inner artist go…uuuuh NO! But then my inner sadist said…oooh YES!
I really really really hate having my photo taken…so the thought of taking a photo of myself everyday for a week was somewhat daunting, but I figured that it would be a good challenge. By forcing myself out of my comfort zone I am pushing myself to see things in a different way. I am pushed to get creative in a way that I wouldn’t normally…and usually it has a flow on effect.
So, I caved in and joined the cult of Instagram and started snapping away. By the end of the week I was so relaxed about the whole deal that I took a pic without the benefit of makeup 🙂
This is the result.

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July 21st, 2012 § § permalink
This week’ artist’s date has brought me to the top of the little hill behind where I live. From here I can see all the way into the city and if I had binoculars I’d be able to see mountain bikers on Mt Stromlo. I chose this as my date this week because I needed the perspective that rising above it all can bring…and exercise also tops up my creativity tanks. I brought my sketch gear, but I don’t think I’ll use it. I’m enjoying just being 🙂

Canberra is a beautiful city! This is a near perfect winters day.

My companion sprawled out on a rock reading his kindle.

I have coffee… All is well with the world 🙂
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June 6th, 2010 § § permalink
June 5th, 2010 § § permalink
This week I moved all of my coloured pencils and watercolours and pastels etc over to my antique roll top desk that sits in the corner of my bedroom. Previously it had been a collecting place for all manner of crap and looked messy and depressing. Now it’s an inviting, restful space where I can write and create! I love it!
I inherited the desk from my paternal grandfather a few years ago and it has the most glorious array of little drawers and spaces in it!It’s about 150 years old and was made in Ohio in the US. I tracked down the company that made it and even chatted via email with the great grand-nephew of the man who made it…but that’s a story for another time 🙂
Here are some photos…I used some funky film and lens combination on the Hipstamatic iPhone app and they look old and blurry! I’ll post some “clean shots” on Flickr later.

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May 25th, 2010 § § permalink
Inspired by Paul over at the Soupablog I took half an hour to create a photographic microgallery. It was so much fun that I think I might make it a regular thing! Click on the photo to see the whole gallery over at Flickr.

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