I had a little debacle!

May 21st, 2023 § 0 comments

There has been some random weirdness happening on this blog over the last couple of months and in the end I had to export the posts and rebuild from the ground up. Sigh. My apologies if you have tried to look over the last week or so! I managed to lose some images here and there, and I hope to trawl through and fix as much as I can. If you find something that looks like it doesn’t belong (think nasty spam :S) or there’s something missing you’d like to see please drop me a line and let me know and I’ll jump in and fix it if I can!

Thank you so much for your patience!

In the meantime, please sign up for my monthly newsletter… it’s free with an option for you to support me if you would like to support my work in a small way. The content is the same either way.

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