Take these broken wings

March 12th, 2012 § 2 comments

This morning I found a dead butterfly when I was out for my walk. I thought it might be fun to try a new style of painting and compare it to my usual style. My usual style involves inking the outline and then filling with watercolour. I have never done a watercolour without ink lines before, so I decided to give it a go. I penciled in a very light outline and then went for it. I found that the ink-less drawing took much longer, although I’m not entirely sure why…I think perhaps I left the layers to dry longer, to make sure nothing bled together. I am thinking I like my usual style better….it feels more like me…

The top one is the experiment…the bottom one is my usual style… which do you prefer?
without  ink outlines

usual style with ink outline

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§ 2 Responses to Take these broken wings"

  • Emery says:

    I prefer the top one, simply because it is more detailed and feels more “full”, if you know what I mean by that. The textures are really very nice in both, however, and the colours are wonderful. Both are lovely, though I like your experiment more.

  • Michelle George says:

    thanks Emery!

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