art therapy

November 6th, 2008 § 2 comments

I had two wisdom teeth extracted today…hurts like mad. I decided to watch some You Tube videos to learn how to do watercolour paintings and got inspired. As it turns out painting in a loose, relaxed style like this was good therapy for me 🙂

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§ 2 Responses to art therapy"

  • Lisa Reed says:

    Wow—one Utube and you did this wonderful watercolor! Fantastic. Hope you feel better!

  • Robertson Studios says:

    Thanks Lisa! I still feel like a chipmunk at the moment.

    The watercolour painting felt reasonably intuitive but it was just one colour, so it’s not too different to the graphite stuff I do in terms of seeing tones and form. I’m not sure I’d do so well with a landscape or anything that needed more than one colour 🙂

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