WIP #2 // The Uncles

August 23rd, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

WIP #2 // the uncles

This portrait is coming along slowly…the small faces and poor reference photo are continuing to give me a bit of a headache, but it’s getting there!

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WIP 1 // The Uncles

July 17th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

I started working on my latest portrait commission this week. It’s a portrait of three crusty old outback station men who are brothers. Their family differentiated them by the shape of their hats. This one is going to be a bit of a challenge since this is the only photo available of these guys and it doesn’t have a whole lot of detail. Another challenge is that the faces are small in the drawing, which always makes it much more difficult to define their features.
WIP #1 - The Uncles
This is me working away 🙂
Working away!

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Naomi Kate – Finished

July 7th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

The wonderful thing about school holidays is being able to finish off some projects! This one has been close for a couple of weeks now, but it’s finally finished. Here’s a low resolution shot of it.

Naomi Kate - Finished!

And here’s the portrait of Naomi Kate with the portrait I did of her big sister, Bethany Grace, a couple of years ago.
Naomi Kate framed and next to her sister!

I delivered the pics to the girls’ mum this afternoon, I LOVE that moment when they see the drawing (IRL) for the first time!

The thing I love about drawing siblings is seeing where the similarities l in their facial features. These two looked very similar when they were little babies, but at 8 months (as they both are in these pictures) you can see marked differences in their facial proportions and head shapes. They have the same nose though 🙂

My next challenge is at the opposite end of the spectrum of human life…three siblings who share a passion for different shaped hats to match their temperaments 🙂 Stay tuned!

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WIP 6 // Naomi Kate

June 15th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

WIP 6 // Naomi Kate

Clothing done! Now onto the stuffed toy…the only problem is that it has been a good couple of years since I’ve drawn fluffy stuff, and I’m not sure I can remember how I did it last time.

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WIP 5 // Naomi Kate

June 9th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Worked some more on her hand and started on the side of her top.

WIP 5 // Naomi Kate

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WIP 4 // Naomi Kate

May 16th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Bit of tweaking, a luscious arm and the beginnings of a hand in this update

WIP 4 // Naomi Kate

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WIP 3 // Naomi Kate

May 16th, 2010 § 1 comment § permalink

I am really pleased with how this one is coming along. I couldn’t resist doing the stuffed toy’s eye…so beady and glassy! Now I feel like it’s watching me draw 🙂
WIP 3 // Naomi Kate

Wow, that photo looks really blue! (Unfortunately the board is too big to fit on the scanner at the moment.)

I am sick with the dreaded lurgy at the moment, but I still needed to get some work done on this portrait without coughing or sneezing on it. Any little speck of moisture ruins the tooth of paper and makes it impossible to achieve a smooth blend with the graphite. So I kitted up Lone Ranger style 🙂

Generally chemist’s shop can offer to you with convenient treatments for divers diseases. There are hundreds of safe internet pharmacies that will process prescriptions. Many medicines are used to treat failure to get an hard-on. If you are interested in is viagra safe, you perhaps would like to read about is generic viagra safe. Conceivably you know about “where can i buy viagra online safely“. Other question we have to is “is it safe to buy viagra online“. Sexual dysfunction can affect the quality of being. One way to resolve sexual disfunction is to make few foolproof lifestyle changes, another is remedy. As with any bodily activity, a rested body increases performance. Stop using this medication and get emergency help if you have sudden vision loss.

WIP 2 // Naomi Kate

May 13th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

WIP 2 // Naomi Kate

will aim for better photos/scans next update

WIP 1 // Naomi Kate

May 1st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

WIP 1 // Naomi Kate

It has been a while since I had time to do a portrait commission. I have to say I amd REALLY enjoying it. Feeling a bit rusty with my skills though.

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